The ReAct initiative was launched in 2020 by Hendrik Goldbeck and the Werte-Stiftung. It is a network of business and science, but not a lobbying association; it contributes its knowledge and experience to “the big picture,” supports policymakers in their decisions, and sets up lighthouse projects and communication campaigns to generate positive momentum and win people over. What sets us apart from other initiatives:
We get personally involved and do not delegate. We set our own topics and don’t have to cover everything. And we trust each other. In this way, we can act faster and be more pointed than with official corporate communications. And we can focus on fields where we can really make a difference.
Simone Bagel-Trah
Detlef Braun
Dr. Martin Brudermüller
Rolf Buch
Holger Follmann
Ute Gerbaulet
Jan-Hendrik Goldbeck
Joachim Goldbeck
Jörg-Uwe Goldbeck
Jörg Goschin
Dr. Steffen Greubel
Dr. Ulrike Handel
Kathrin Haug
Peter Herweck
Harry Hohmeister
Berthold Huber
Andreas Jung
Petra Justenhoven
Georg Kell
Alexander Knauf
Carlo Kölzer
Dr. Markus Krebber
Thomas Kyriakis
Martina Merz
Matthaeus Niewodnic
Jörg Rocholl
Frank Schumann
Christian Seifert
Christian Sewing
Walter Sinn
Alexander Sixt
Dr. Jörg Stratmann
Dr. Martin Stuchtey
Stephan Sturm
Astrid Teckentrup
Stefan Wintels
Dr. Joachim Wenning
Stefan Wintels
Dr. Andreas Widl
Joko Winterscheidt
Dr. Joachim Würmeling
Dr. Stephan Zoll

We collaborate
The ReAct initiative is a network for the positive shaping of the future, which acts on the basis of the conviction that technical expertise, numerous new impulses, personal commitment and respectful exchange, but also the joy of creation, are ingredients for innovative solutions.